Adapted for any age, as all our workshops are, REonDemand's Hindu workshops are very popular, especially around Diwali (November). Explore the enchanting Indian culture or experience the calm during puja. Dance to energetic beats, exhibit your creative side at the Elephant festival and join us on Ganesh's obstacle course! An abundance of hands on activities that bring Hinduism to life.
An Introduction to Hinduism: an exploration of the important deities, puja tray and meditation. The children are introduced to how Hindus celebrate with a focus on symbols and commitment, and by celebrating a mock wedding there are opportunities for the children to dress up in our collection of fine sarees and selwar kameezes and participate in role play.
A colourful India: a journey into the Hindu religion where the children will craft a vibrant Jaipur elephant and learn about the Festival of Holi. Complete the day by joining in a traditional Indian stick dance (Dandiya) workshop where there is an opportunity to dress up in traditional costumes and also listen and perform to traditional Indian music.
There is more art to offer in the form of fantastic rangoli out in the playground which contrasts beautifully with the intricate mehndi patterns also carefully drawn.
Hindu Celebrations: Wedding - A glorious mandap is decorated by the children of which underneath the ceremony will take place.
Diwali: The beautiful and intriguing popular love story of Diwali delivered through drama, costumes and craft. Often linked by schools within our loaded RE Days focussing on the topic of Light.